Draconian Vampyrism 101, Witchcraft and Wicca

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Draconian Vampyrism 101
By Lord N
Draconian Vampyrism 101
By Lord N (Reverend Frederick W. Nagash)
Typesetting, graphics and layout by Lord N
Published on / /2010
Published by Ordo Atra Draconis
Ebook version 1.0
In Adobe .PDF Format
Ordo Atra Draconis
(Order of the Black Dragon)

The Draconian Vampyre Elite

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
This Ebook was written as a clear and concise introduction to one of the darkest facet of
the left hand path, a path of absolute diablerie and iniquity, the path of Draconian Vampyrism.
This Ebook is not for the timid, those easily offended or the faint of heart, nor is it for those in a
weak or altered mental state.
Draconian Vampyrism is a dangerous path, especially for those with a compromised
psychological state. The teachings and path of Draconian Vampyrism will only cause further
mental issues to arise in the unstable, or will only make already existing conditions worse. Also
DV is a path only for adults, as it encompasses many very adult concepts, which though
understood by many youth, are not appropriate or legal.
Most will read this book for one of several reasons;
Some will read this with curiosity or whimsy.
Some will read this expecting the enigmatic nature of our order to be revealed,
when in fact this is solely a book about Draconian Vampyrism, not about the
Ordo Atra Draconis.
Some will read this with intention of joining the OAD, in which this tome
is/should be the first step.
Some will read this looking for meaning in their life.
Some will read this expecting a quick fix to a bad life or situation.
Some will read this for the right reasons, some for the wrong…
Upon reading this short book, I ask that all read with an open mind and contemplate their
own reasons for reading it. Is it a rough patch in life that compels you to read this, for a
proverbial “Quick-Fix,” or is it a sincere search for self improvement and mastery? What are
your true reasons and intentions for reading this, ask yourself the “why’s,” and what your
genuine raison d'être are, before reading any further.
Bare in mind that this tome will indeed leave some questions unanswered, it is only
intended to be a concise introduction to the DV path. Questions about Draconian Vampirism
may be directed to the ONLY organization who founded and teaches the DV path, the Ordo Atra
Draconis at
or to Lord N himself at
Before asking questions, it is always best to check the website and see if your question is
answered there first.
Though no one will answer every question that every reader might have, some basic
questions will be responded to. A decent enough understanding of Draconian Vampyrism can be
ascertained from this book, but for a more complete understanding, membership is required in
the Ordo Atra Draconis.
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